Current Projects

Look here to find information on current projects happening in our community to enhance your water service. 


FM 115 Elevated Tank

Current Projects

  1. CSSUD will be beginning our capital improvement plan in 2025. This will include identifying undersized and overloaded lines throughout our distribution system and upgrading these lines to continue uninterrupted service.


  1. CSSUD will be replacing all the filter media at our East Water Treatment plant on F.M. 21 in the Macon community. The East Plant is a 2,000,000-gallon-per-day plant that was constructed in 2001 and serves North Franklin County. It fills our elevated storage tank on I-30 at Lowes Distribution Center and our standpipe at F.M. 21 and County Road 4105. This will improve filter run times and efficiency. Filter media has an estimated life span of 25 years.



  1. We have been approved for a Rural Development Grant/Loan of $8.34 million dollars to upgrade our North Plant from 2.0 mgd to 4.0 mgd to meet our regulatory agency specifications. This project will take approximately 4 years to complete. This project is 55% grant and 45% loan.


F.M. 115 Elevated Tank was completed and put in service in the summer of 2024.

C.S.S.U.D is constructing a new 100,000-gallon elevated tank on FM 115 to increase storage capacity and provide increased volume to the South shoreline of Lake Cypress Springs. The new tank will serve FM 115 from FM 3357 to FM 3007 and FM 3007 to CR 4385. It can be filled from any of our three surface water treatment plants but primarily from the North/Purley Treatment Plant. This new tank will provide water to around 400 to 800 connections in East and South Franklin County.

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